14 February 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

❤Happy Valentine's Day!❤

A Happy Valentine's Day to all couples out there celebrating this special occasion with their other half as well as to those who are celebrating this special day with their loved ones even though they are still single and yet unattached!(:

Here's a question to everyone out there! What's your definition of 'Happy Valentine's Day'?! In my dictionary , the word 'Valentine' refers to a card that you send to someone that you love on St Valentine's Day(14 February) , often without putting your name on it.

However , I think that if you are truly in love with your girlfriend/boyfriend , everyday is just like a Valentine's Day to both of you. Don't you agree with me? Perhaps you may think that Valentine's Day is a day whereby you celebrate it in a unique and yet a special way such that it will be a memorable one for the both of you leaving a footprint in your memories!

Alright , shall continue with what I wanted to blog about for today.

Everyone is out there celebrating Valentine's Day with either their other half or with their bestfriends and yet I am so pathetic as to go back to school for my usual rugby training just like any other saturdays.

There's one thing that I just don't quite understand. And that is almost all the old boys are married and yet , instead of celebrating Valentine's Day with their wives , they are going back to St Andrew's Village for their regular touch rugby training session.

That's one thing in which I don't quite understand these old boys' mentality! I mean what's so important compared to celebrating Valentine's Day with your wife? Unless they are hinting to me that they have been celebrating Valentine's Day for years until they are tired of celebrating it already?! Or is it that there's no longer anymore chemistry between both husband and wife?! Hopefully none of the old boys sees this blog post of mine or they will come after my life with parangs!:P

Well , since if that's the case than i will just make it an exception to be down for our regular touch rugby training session.

Woke up around 12:27:00 PM. Washed up and had my breakfast/lunch before changing up and getting prepared to go out. Left my house around 02:00:00 PM and made my way down to Sim Lim Square to collect back my laptop which I had sent it down on tuesday to get my motherboard replaced. Reached Sim Lim Square around 02:47:00 PM to collect my laptop back and check to ensure that my wireless network connection is working perfectly alright and that I didn't lost any documents in my laptop.

Once I am done with it , took a cab down to St Andrew's Village for our regular touch rugby training session. Reached Potong Pasir around 03:18:00 PM and hence decided to grab a bite at KFC before heading to St Andrew's Village.

When I reached St Andrew's Village , there was a friendly match between Malaysia Selangor Team and St Andrew's 'A' & 'B' Division Team. I saw none of the old boys there and gave Geoffrey a call asking if training was cancelled or still on. He said that training will start late and that he is watching the match from above the school's canteen together with Sunny and the rest and so went up to join them.

I think we were having fun getting suntanned as well! The weather was so hot such that the sunrays were shining towards our direction! I guess I am getting darker this time round?! Hahas!(:

When the game was about to end soon , we went to change up to get prepared for our training. As for the scores pertaining to the friendly match , I have no idea what's the score like but I do know that our 'A' Division Team lost in the first-half whereas our 'C' Division Team won the second-half.

We got started with our training and it's just only a few minutes into the game and that's when i received my first Valentine's Day gift for the day. You will find out what is it later on. During our training session , I was so super pissed off that none of them wanted to pass the ball to me!)': There was like so many loopholes in the opponent's team defence and I kept shouting: 'Swing Right! Swing Right!' My team went to swing left instead!=.= WTF!

When we are into the third-half of the game , Cliff finally swing the ball to me and I run for the touch down! It's like after waiting for so long until I'm so impatient than I finally get to go for the touch down for my team?! Well , at least I scored a try today!(:

After the training session ended , went to take a quick shower before all of us gather around for a chat. I did mentioned that I received a Valentine's Day gift earlier in this post right?! This gift is from all the old boys!)':

Here's a picture of the gift:

An Injury For My Happy Valentine's Day Gift!):

On Closer Look.

I still remembered clearly telling Calvin on msn that I swear I will break one of the old man's bones and end up is the other way round instead. It's really that unlucky of me for the past two weeks. Last staurday , during training I had muscle pull on my left leg and yet today I had abrasions on my lower right arm and slight abrasions on my right knee cap as well though is not that much worst compared to my lower right arm.

After chatting for quite sometime , I left first and headed towards Bukit Batok to find my girlfriends to celebrate Valentine's Day with them. Being with them really cheers me up and I am stress free!(:

The sky is getting darker and hence I sent my girlfriends home one by one. I am such a good boyfriend right?! Hahas!(: Reached home around 11:30:00 PM and here I am blogging right now.

I guess I am done with blogging this post and shall end here for now.
Good Nights & Sweet Dreams.

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